Nowadays all are familiar with online marketing, where quality matters not quantity, so if you are also planning to do online marketing then it is essential to write worth content in your business website. I have seen that most of people are searching for the tips to write quality content article for their blog post as well as to their website. Here I am sharing some tips to write unique content article.
Quality content articles increases your website page rank. It also increases your website’s traffic as well as quality back links. So it is essential to write quality content because all search engines like Google, Bing, yahoo...etc will accept quality content from each and every website in order to decide page rank of your website.
Choose eye-catching headline
Choose very attractive or eye catching headline of your article. Use low competitive keywords in your headline of an article which will be searched by most of the visitors of your website or blog. It will increase your article visibility in all search engines.
Gather more information about the topic of an article
First try to understand what article you are writing and Why and what your proverb following an article? In order to provide full information about your articles to your website collect each point of your article.
In order to attract more readers to your website try to write an article in paragraph wise with sub headings.
To Check Spelling and sentence structure
According to my experience Microsoft Word is best to write an article since it has automatic spelling and sentence rectification structure. After writing an article check spelling and grammar of your article.
Read thrice before posting an article
If you are writing an article then try to make it friendly to your website or blog readers. So before posting any article first read it once or thrice, if you find any mistakes in your article then try to make it correct with the help of automatic grammar checker in Microsoft word.
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